Honor Flight Northeast Indiana



What Veterans are eligible to apply?

Any honorably discharged Veteran is encouraged to apply to take an Honor Flight.  You may only go on one (1) Honor Flight.  Your trip is fully paid for by donations from the community.  We are accepting applications for all Veterans however, only Veterans who were enlisted prior to 5/7/1975 may travel at this time unless you have a terminal illness or other qualifying medical situation.  We may require a letter from your physician.  If you enlisted AFTER this date – your application will remain in our system until the National Honor Flight Network expands the approved service dates.


World War II (12/7/1941 – 12/31/1946)

Post World War II (1/1/1947 – 6/26/1950)

The Korean War (6/27/1950 – 1/31/1955)

Cold War (1/31/1955 – 2/27/1961)

Vietnam/Vietnam Era (2/28/1961 – 5/7/1975)

Those serving AFTER 5/7/1975 with an Honorable Discharge are eligible to sign up and be placed on our waiting list.  Those times include any and all service times after 5/7/1975 through:

Lebanon/Grenada (8/24/1982 – 7/31/1984)

Any service time between 8/1/84 – 12/19/89

Panama (12/20/1989 – 1/31/1990)

Desert Shield/Desert Storm

Iraqi Freedom


Inherent Resolve

Please Note: All persons traveling on an Honor Flight will be subject to a background check.  Honor Flight reserves the right to deny your travel based on the results of a background check.  If you have questions regarding this procedure, feel free to reach out by using our contact page on our website or call us at 260-633-0049.

How does the process work?

Veteran applications are taken in the order they are submitted, the order of war/conflict they served and medical situations such as being terminal. Example: A Vietnam Veteran or later could submit an application and they would be entered into our database, however as Korean, Cold War or World War II applications continue to come in, they will be placed ahead based on their war/conflict time frame. Veterans of Vietnam and later should consider applying now and getting into our database, however it could be several years before your turn arrives. We ask for your patience and understanding.

Honor Flight Northeast Indiana currently provides four (4) flights each year. Two (2) in the spring and two (2) in the fall. We take applications all year long and add our veterans to our database waiting list.

Your application is entered into our database based primarily on the date it was received and then based on the dates you served.


If you (the Veteran) have a health condition that deteriorates and would require a doctors determination of terminal or similar status, please contact our offices immediately so our medical team can provide an updated medical evaluation.

When submitting your application online, you will receive a notice at the time you submit it that it has been received by our electronic system.  This is the only notification you’ll receive until the time we call – which could be several years, based on your service dates.  You may contact us at anytime to know what position you currently are in our system.

Application Links

Below are the links to apply.  It is highly recommended you use the ONLINE links.  Your information is as safe as if banking online.  If you absolutely want a paper application those links are also available for you to download, print and U.S. mail in to our address on the bottom of the website.



Our paper applications are being updated.  If you need a paper application, please use our contact us page to request one.

Guardian Eligibility

There are specific requirements for guardians in order to apply.  To learn more about these requirements, including a required financial donation, please visit our Guardian page.

Please notespouses or significant others cannot apply as guardians.  Guardians should be someone a generation younger.  For full details – click our guardian eligibility page link.