Very good question. You are free to contact us anytime to ask about the status of your application. Now this is where we ask for your patience. We can receive upwards of 80+ applications a month. This means our wait list is growing daily. If you are a Vietnam Veterans applying today – it could take 4+ years before we get to your application. AND WE WILL GET TO IT!
If you are having any health significant health issues – CALL US. Our medical team can re-evaluate your application and see what potentials there are for an advancement on the list.
TERMINAL VETERANS NOTICE: If you or your Veteran loved one is a terminal veteran (as identified by your medical doctor) PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. There are arrangements that can be made to not only get you on the first available flight of ours, but there are other programs in place via the Honor Flight Network that can be of assistance to ensure you can make your trip. Our number is 260-633-0049.